Sunday, February 28, 2021

U.S. Peace Council Strongly Condemns the Biden Administration's Illegal Bombing of Syria!

February 26, 2021

Only thirty-six days after taking office, President Biden took his first illegal foreign-policy action by ordering an air strike on the sovereign nation of Syria, killing more than a dozen Syrian citizens.

This air strike, a blatant violation of international law and the United Nations Charter, is falsely claimed to have been in response to an alleged rocket attack on U.S. troops by the so-called “Iranian-supported Syrian Militia.” But the facts point to quite a different motive. The real reason behind this act is to force Iran, by means of military action, into accepting to participate in a new round of Nuclear Deal negotiations on the basis of specific U.S. demands. We can only expect that such military actions will continue, and even intensify, so long as Iran refuses to submit to U.S. pressures.

What U.S. is asking from Iran is not limited to the nuclear issue. All U.S. administrations, from George W. Bush administration to the present, have been demanding from Iran to stop its resistance against U.S. imperialistic plans for total domination of the Middle East. The real issue is Iran’s policy of resistance and its ability to mobilize regional forces against U.S. and Israeli aggressions, and Biden’s actions are nothing but the continuation of the same imperialist policies of his predecessors for the Middle East.

We call upon all supporters of peace, justice, and international law to raise their voices against Biden Administration’s aggressive policies against Iran, as such policies are bound to lead to more war, death and destruction for the peoples of the Middle East, and waste of the American people’s much needed resources for solving their health and economic problems in the face of the COVD-19 pandemic.

We call upon Biden Administration to halt all U.S. military and economic wars against the peoples of the world.

Executive Committee
of the U.S. Peace Council


U.S. Peace Council • P.O. Box 3105, New Haven, CT 06515 • (203) 387-0370 •  @USPeaceCouncil 

Friday, February 26, 2021



We spoke to William Castillo, vice minister of anti-blockade policies, about the passage of an anti-blockade law. The sanctions policy is “increasing the suffocation of the people.” The United States and EU sanctions policy has two faces: direct sanctions against firms and people who trade with the Venezuelan government, and indirect sanctions that penalize those who do business with those who violate the direct sanctions. This latter has produced what is known as “overcompliance,” and it is a “kind of blackmail.” The anti-blockade law is “temporary,” and it seeks to shield those who do business with Venezuela from the United States and EU sanctions. “The anti-blockade law essentially aims to activate all the productive forces in the country—both public and private—to revive the economy. It is nonsense and demagogic to say that we have turned toward a privatization policy,” Castillo said, “when we are giving all sectors the capacity to break the blockade.”

 Venezuela condemns new European Union sanctions

We ask you to begin a new era in U.S. relations with the world by lifting all U.S. economic sanctions.

U.S. economic sanctions impact one-third of the world’s population in 39 countries.

These sanctions block shipments and purchases of essential medicines, testing equipment, PPE, vaccines and even basic food.  Sanctions also cause chronic shortages of basic necessities, economic dislocation, chaotic hyperinflation, artificial famines, disease, and poverty, leading to tens of thousands of deaths. It is always the poorest and the weakest – infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly – who suffer the worst impact of sanctions.  

Sanctions are illegal. They are a violation of international law and the United Nations Charter. They are a crime against humanity used, like military intervention, to topple popular governments and movements.

The United States uses its military and economic dominance to pressure governments, institutions and corporations to end all normal trade relations with targeted nations, lest they risk asset seizures and even military action.

The first step toward change must be an end to the U.S.’ policies of economic war. We urge you to end these illegal sanctions on all countries immediately and to reset the U.S.’ relations with the world.


Monday, February 22, 2021

How 5G Changes Everything: Astronomy, Human & Insect Impacts, and Crowded Orbits


Watch the latest video from the Global Network which focuses on the impacts of the 5G network, it's satellites, earth-based stations, antennas and military applications.
The video is produced by Will Griffin who is a GN board member and Iraq & Afghanistan war veteran.
80,000 satellites have been approved by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to be launched in the next 5-10 years, contributing to many already-existing concerns: space debris, ozone depletion, toxic launch pollution, radiation, environmental impacts to birds, bees, insects, humans and more.
Learn about the international 5G campaign:
Thank you for watching. Please follow and help support the Global Network.

Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space PO Box 652 Brunswick, ME 04011 (207) 389-4606 (blog) 'Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.' ~ Henry David Thoreau

Witness to Pau D’Arco Massacre Murdered in Brazil


 In 2017, DoSantos Araujo survived an assault by security forces in the Pau D'Arco Municipality, where ten farmers occupying the land were killed.

United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders Mary Lawlor on Monday called for the murder of Fernando dos Santos Araujo not to go unpunished.

On Jan. 26, Dos Santos Araujo was found shot in the head at his home in the state of Para. Previously, on May 24, 2017, he survived an assault by security forces on the Santa Lucia farm in the Pau D'Arco Municipality, where ten farmers occupying the land were killed.

"The fact that yet another human rights defender has been killed in Para... shows a disturbing pattern of impunity," Lawlor lamented. She also recalled that the victim's lawyer Jose Vargas Sobrinho has also been threatened and has suffered a smear campaign for his work to bring justice.

"Even with constant threats and intimidation from local actors, both continued to speak out courageously on behalf of the survivors and to demand justice for the victims of the massacre," the UN rapporteur said.

"If this tragic murder goes unpunished, it would set a worrying precedent for the defense of human rights," she warned.

Although there had been some progress in the Pau D’Arco investigation, many questions remain unanswered. “The investigation into those responsible for the crime has not been completed and officers allegedly involved in the crime have been reinstated to their functions and remain active,” Lawlor said.