Monday, February 13, 2017

The anti-Trump, anti-DAPL protest in West Palm Beach

By Charles Gannon
12 February 2017

I went with a friend and her activist grandmother along with some of their neighbors to an event in West Palm Beach (WPB) protesting Donald Trump's policies as Trump was leaving from his vacation in the city. The anti-Trump protesters filled one side of the sidewalk (while spilling over in to the next street) while the pro-Trump supporters were across the street, with about 15 people. 

There was one Trump supporter, a skinny kid, who decided to stand behind the anti-Trump protesters, specifically to antagonize and try to cause a provocation. I called him out (along with a few others) for targeting individuals among the crowd, degrading them with reactionary rhetoric based upon the individual's clothing or appearance.The protest was directly in the path of Donald Trump's route back to Air Force One. He deliberately ignored it. He proved to us today that he doesn't represent the majority of Americans. Even people that voted for him didn't vote for this!

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