“One question, just one, solves so many of our issues facing us today,” Mark Maxey, MPD National Coordinator said. “How does it crush capitalism?”
Finding a singular equation to find the right, most loving, most humane, options is necessary. If you don’t, you can get overwhelmed. Social media bombards our psyche and the news, on various issues we need to stand up to protect. Animal rights, medical access, prisoners rights, peace initiatives, anti-war efforts, and the list goes on. Where do you find yourself gravitating towards for your solidarity work?
Easy, ask yourself, “How does it crush capitalism?”. If you do this then collective similar actions will chip away the issues we are standing up for.
Presently in our social media and ‘corporate’ news, the news focus is on nationalism. Then there is economic woes, wars, imperialism, income inequality, etc. You have to ask yourself who does benefit from these issues. These ‘issues’ effects the banking cartel, and the upper 1% of wealth holders. The news, memes, articles, force us enmass, down a ‘orchestrated’ soap opera. It’s a game to distract us and divide us.
How does it crush capitalism?
Knowing the answer to our question leads us to our own work towards solving the problem. It shows us how to attack the issue. It narrows the fastest methods of improving all our lives. Then we are chipping away at the old system, like a dead carcass of a tree. The root cause, capitalism, is why we engage in social anti-fascist protests. If we can crush capitalism, we are fighting the good fight. It leads us to a worldwide revolution.
What separates us from global communities is the capitalist desire to divide and conquer. Yes, we may have different cultures, language, national identity, but we remain human beings. We all come into the world the same and we all will leave this world the same way. Love that old colloquialism. We all desire to live in peace, in a community, and help evolve us to a global socialism movement. If we can accomplish this, then we truly have crushed capitalism.
In so many ways, our society has forgotten the history of over a 100 years ago. The same issues in early 1900 are exactly the issues facing us again, globally for that matter. Unions are needed more than ever. Ridding our governance by the corporate elitists. Raising up the need for muckrakers, progressive left journalism.
How did those issues get solved in the 1990”s? The did this globally by crushing capitalism collectively. It was a global turning point. I don’t understand why history must keep repeating itself. But the answer lies in the one question, “How does it crush capitalism?”
I am concerned about the rise of global nationalism rising. I am also working and standing up for human rights abuses, workers rights, prisoner rights, environment, racial inequality. But to be effective and strike at the root cause we must ask this.
How does it crush capitalism?
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