It's Christmas time....Capitalism ruin of children by sex trafficking
by Mark Maxey
"Capitalism ruins lives, as seen in the documentary on child sex trafficking, I AM JANE DOE," Mark Maxey, Movement 4 People's Democracy National Coordinator states. "Backpage owners make $71 Million in 2012, $112.7 Million in 2013, $134.9 Million in 2014, and $153 Million in 2015, the documentary states."
$471.6 Million in 4 years, almost half a billion dollars. Some of that profit was made by pimps selling 12-year-olds - 17-year-old abducted girls. "Don't tell me capitalism and the lure of wealth does not ruin peoples lives," Maxey reiterated. "The owners of Backpage got wealthy beyond imagination while the lives of the little girls were drugged, raped (some 20 times a day), through online sex ads."
Tonya spent night after night in different hotel rooms, with different men, all at the command of someone she once trusted. She was held against her will, beaten and made to feel like she had no other option at the time, all by the man she thought she loved.
When Tonya was 13, she met Eddie (a pseudonym) at the apartment she was living in with her mother in the Dallas, Texas, area. His estranged wife was the property manager. Tonya was classmates with Eddie’s stepdaughter, so the two would often see each other at the apartment and in the local grocery store. It was there that the two first exchanged numbers. This is how Tonya was first recruited for sex trafficking.
Rebecca Fairley Raney states in her story, Unseen Victims of Sex Trafficking, she says...
"A few years ago, social worker Steven Procopio was listening to a discussion among a group of middle-aged homeless men at a Boston health-care agency when he recognized that his group had a terrible secret in common: Many of these men, at some point in their lives, had been trafficked. For Procopio, the realization led to a wholesale shift in context for working with men and boys who suffer from complex trauma."
"Capitalism kills, and the by-products from Capitalism ruins people's lives," Maxey says. "We must in 2019 begin a revolution by CRUSHING CAPITALISM!"
Backpage at one time was owned by Village Voice Media. VVM had a long history of progressive anti-establishment reporting. When the owners of VVM were exposed as owners of Backpage what they did next, was typical of how capitalism corrupts people.
The owners sold VVM but kept Backpage. No wonder, making $471 Million profit in 4 years, while destroying the lives of young girls.
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