Fighting fascist ideology
By John Gallo
Fascist ideology is once again in the open, spouting its racist, misogynist, genocidal ideas. In this article, I do not intend to discuss fascism per se. I want to address the views expressed by one Jared Taylor of the American Renaissance. These ideas are dangerous and must be vigorously refuted, especially to those who are unfamiliar with the fascism of the past century.
If you have a good stomach, you can watch his 8 minute video. I welcome your comments.
Taylor: Why is diversity better? How do 36 million Mexicans and 9 million Muslims make America better?Without racial diversity, there would be no race riots, no dangerous inner cities, no Black Lives Matter, no affirmative action,... no discrimination lawsuits, no diversity training. There would also be no white privilege, no white guilt, no racial conflict or tension at all. [We'd have] a peaceful, unified, care free America.
JG: No races, no race riots (great insight). But the mere existence of races does not cause the rare riots, et al. These come from racial discrimination and oppression, not by white people in general, but by those who have the economic power to do so, no matter their ethnicity. Without women, there would be no sexual abuse law suits, no mass demonstrations for equal rights. Without children, there would be no child abuse. Without poor people or people without jobs or with low paying jobs, there would be no economic inequality.
The idea that without race, we (meaning white people) would "have a peaceful, unified, care free America" is stupid, amoral and fascistic. It means removing every non-white person from the U.S., either to another country or to their graves. This is called ethnic cleansing. An individual may not agree with that solution, but logically there is no other possible solution.
Racial homogeneity has not prevented wars. Wars, human slaughter, rape, destruction of cities, looting and torture have been embedded in history. Ancient Romans against the Greeks; the Germanic "barbarians" sacked the Roman Empire. The German peasant uprisings against the feudal lords; the 100 years war (14th century) between France and England; the 30 years war in Europe (17th century); the civil war between Ireland and Britain, in the 20th century; World Wars I and II; Serbs vs. Croats; and many more. These were all white against white; no other races, but no peace. One could also mention the "dangerous cities" during prohibition like Chicago and other cities infested with white gangsters killing other white gangsters. Same in Asia (Japanese vs. Chinese and Koreans); Middle East (Iraq v. Iran, Saudi Arabia v. Yemen), Africa (Hutu v. Tutsi ), etc., etc. No different races involved, but also no peace.
Taylor: Robert Putnam of Harvard is one of many researchers to find that racial diversity destroys trust... People who live in a racial, ethnic mish-mash neighborhood, like Los Angeles, don't trust their neighbors, or politicians, have few close friends, don't get involved in their community or volunteer work and are less likely to vote. Only thing they do more is go on protest marches and watch Television.
JG. Opinions, not evidence. Taylor's only named source is Robert Putnam, Harvard professor. But Putnam says Taylor is wrong. Putnam contends that his 2007 paper has been "twisted" to make a case against race-conscious diversity, asserting that, on the contrary, extensive research and experience confirm the substantial benefits of racial and ethnic diversity, to our society."
Here's a few nush-mash cities with low crime rates, no riots, with involved residents: Cleveland Hts. (50% white, 43% Black). Shaker Hts. (55% white, 34% Black, 6% Asian). Beachwood (white 77%, Black 14%, Asian 7$). There are very likely more examples. What is missing in these three cities is poverty and a lack of services. Could these be somewhat responsible for crime?
Taylor. Diversity destroys culture... Diversity means you have ti satisfy everyone. Diversity destroyed Oakland symphony because only whites and a few Asians listen to European music and Oakland became less white. It is responsible for all the violent movies because it's for the world market, the least common denominator.
JG. Diversity cannot destroy culture. All societies have culture, defined as the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a social group, the characteristic features of everyday existence; the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices. It's not just the arts and language. The U.S. has an overall culture as well as various ethnic cultures. Some aspects are positive and helpful to people, such as a commitment to democracy and empathy for people with difficulties. Others are negative and harmful, such as our fetish for guns, which has been part of our culture since the earliest colonies. Witness the the genocide against indigenous peoples and the wild west.
Most movies have been violent, when Hollywood was all white, as were most movie goers. Our history has been replete with military actions and conquests. Twelve of our Presidents were military generals. Every veteran (except those for peace) is honored and praised. Many people like action, violent movies, but the function of these movies is to make wars and violence normal and acceptable – and, of course, to make money. The purveyors of pop culture reduce the arts to the lowest common denominator to distract the people from thinking about who runs society and how to change it.
Taylor: Diversity is the destruction of everything that is rooted, that is authentic, that arises out of a shared heritage. Genuine diversity (?) means preserving what is rooted and authentic and the common heritage of a distinct people.... We (sic) are being swamped. Everything we love, everything we (sic) have built will be lost if we turn our (sic) country over to people who are not us. We will lose our very selves if non-white immigration continues, and every institution in the U.S. promotes inter-marriage, in 200 years there will be no more white people.
JG. Rolling back miscegenation. To follow Taylor's ideas to their logical conclusion – after the forced removal or genocide - the following would have to be done to fully restore our culture.
- Rename all MLK streets.
- Rename the 26 states with Indian names. https://thoughtcatalog.com/james-b-barnes/2014/10/26-states-that-were-named-by-native-americans-was-your-state/
- And the thousands of towns, cities, counties, rivers, lakes, mountains, cars, sports teams with Indian names.
- Stop eating Native American Indians foods introduced to Europeans: tomatoes, beans, potatoes, wild rice, salmon, pumpkins, squash, peppers, peanuts, chocolate, vanilla, blueberries, turkey, maple syrup, and corn, among other foods.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352618116300750
- Change the names of hundreds of cities with Spanish names (English only!), mostly in Texas and the south west ( lands that the U.S. took from Mexico).
- Close down Mexican, Indian, Chinese, African and middle east restaurants and eat only white food.
- No jazz, blues, Gospel or Salsa. Erase the enormous contributions, especially by African Americans, to the English language, literature, art and dance. And where would pro sports be without the mish-mash teams populated with whites, Blacks, Hispanics and even Asians?
Sounds stupid, right? But , genocide has been tried quite often, from the Inquisition to Columbus to W.W. II. I don't believe most white working people buy into this crap. But those that do are are facing the wrong way. It's not other working people, whether Blacks or Hispanics here or workers abroad, who are the enemy. It's their f...ing bosses, the corporations, bankers and their bipartisan corporate politicians –the entire capitalist system-- who are dividing us, exploiting and oppressing us and destroying our culture. Working people of all colors and genders, and their allies, must unite to fight not only the current crop of fascism but throw the entire system on the scrap heap of history. ###
White Culture. An interesting article.
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