Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tell Congress to Protest Music & Artists from "Big Radio"

Dear Music Fans,
Music services like Spotify, SiriusXM, Pandora and Apple Music pay music creators for their work, yet there is exactly one music platform in the U.S. (actually, in the entire developed world) where the principle of fair pay for one’s work does not apply: broadcast radio.
Rather than changing with the times, Big Radio is doing everything they can to protect their competitive advantage and avoid paying music creators for their creative property the same way digital and streaming services do.
It's no wonder Big Radio is engaged in an all-out effort to get Members of Congress to sign onto the misnamed Local Radio Freedom Act (LRFA). Big Radio and their lobbyists in Washington are trying to get lawmakers to sign onto their bogus resolution in an attempt to block Congress from passing legislation that would allow music creators to be paid for their work in the future.
It’s time to prioritize hardworking music creators over big corporate interests.
Many Members of Congress have already added their names to this damaging resolution and need to hear from you, their constituents, so they can understand your disappointment. We would also appreciate it if you reached out to the Members who are supporting artists by not adding their name to LRFA.
The musicFIRST Coalition

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